Useful Git Commands.๐Ÿ’ป

Useful Git Commands.๐Ÿ’ป


2 min read

Git is an example of a distributed version control system commonly used for open source and commercial software development.

Let's go :

  1. Initalize git in files/directories.
    git init
  2. Clone the repository in your local system.
    git clone<your-user-name>/<repo-name>
  3. To check the current status of the repository.
    git status
  4. To add a specific file to the staging area.
    git add <file-name>
  5. To add all changed file to staging area.
    git add .
  6. To unstage a certain file
    git restore --stagged <filename>
  7. To see recent changes in the repository.
    git diff
  8. To give a message and commit.
    git commit -m "your-message"
  9. To see the commit history.
    git log
  10. To see last specific commits (eg. Last 3 commits).
    git log -3
  11. To discard the specific commit.
    git revert <commit-token>
  12. To undo the commit and bring back changes to staging area.
    git reset --soft HEAD <no._of_commit_to_revert>
  13. To show remote URLs
    git remote -v
  14. To fetch the changes from origin to your local system.
    git pull origin
  15. To create a branch named branch-name.
    git branch <branch-name>
  16. To make changes in the specific branch.
    git checkout <branch-name>
  17. To merge sub branch to main branch.
    git merge <branch-name>
  18. To delete a specific branch.
    git branch -d <branch-name>
  19. To push the recent commits.
    git push origin <branch-name>
  20. Connect to remote
    git remote add origin <url>
  21. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream
    git push --set-upstream origin master
  22. To rename branch name.
    git branch -m <branch-name>

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